Tuesday, 30 June 2015


As we all know that Earn talktime is one of the best refer and Recharge giving app among mcent paytm amd ladooo.so its easy to earn lot with this unlimited earn talk time trick.

Earn Talktime Unlimited Recharge Trick

 Earn Talktime is free recharge paying app. which gives you lots of free recharge for just downloading apps and referring friends. 

Best thing for Earn Talktime app is it gives really high amount for referral, now they are giving 130 rs. per refer.

> Rs 10 when your friends register on earn talktime app

>  Rs 20 when your friends download an App from Offers Section

> Rs 100 when your Friends earn Rs 160 or More.

so Total would be 10+20+100=120 Rs.

Today in Crazy4Android i will share working unlimited Earn talktime hack trick.This Earn Talktime hack trick is tested successfully by me and its working 100%.


1- First Of All Download Earn Talktime App

2- After Download Open The App And Register With Your Mobile No.

3- Then Verify Your Mobile No.

3. After verification just open menu and download any 1 app from offers section

4. Now click on Home button and click on INVITE FRIENDS and note down your refer link

Now The Real Trick Starts Here

5. After doing all above steps just simply Uninstall Earn Talktime App 

6. Now Install Android Id Changer App From Here - click here 

7. Open Android Id Changer app and Create any New Random Id ( Root device Needed )

8. Now Download Donkey Guard App From Here - CLICK HERE

9. Open donkey guard app and change the values of google play store

10. Now Open Your Main refer Link In Any Browser Like Chrome or ucweb.it will redirect to google play store

11. download Earn Talktime from playstore with different google id then before (imp step)

12. Now to verify automatically:- put your any mobile number, Earn Talktime will send SMS code on that number. Now All you have to do is just forward that verify sms on the device where you doing This Trick. Thats It.

 13.  Now open Earn Talktime app and complete any 1 offer from menu

14. Bingo you have earned In your main ID.

15. Repeat steps 5-14 again and again to earn unlimited money from Earn Talktime.


(PSP) FIFA 14 Little Compressed CSO (PPSSPP) 805MB

Monday, 29 June 2015

5 Aplikasi Ramadhan Terbaik 2016 Dari Developer Lokal

Aplikasi Ramadan Terbaik - Ramadan telah memasuki hari ke 13. Di bulan suci ini, para developer lokal negeri kita tidak ingin ketinggalan untuk berkontribusi dengan mengembangkan aplikasi yang nantinya bisa membantu ibadah para Muslim. Pada kali ini ELBAIHAKI BLOG merangkum 5 developer lokal yang sengaja mengembangkan aplikasi baru dengan konten Islami.

Perlu Anda ketahui bahwa fungsi dari aplikasi tersebut sangatlah beragam, mulai dari aplikasi panduan membaca Al-Quran yang benar, aplikasi jadwal waktu salat dan imsak, hingga aplikasi edutainment yang bisa dikenalkan kepada si buah hati di rumah. Anda sudah mulai penasaran penasaran? Langsung simak daftar berikut Aplikasi Ramadhan Terbaik 2015 yang dikembangkan oleh Developer Lokal.
5 Aplikasi Ramadhan Terbaik 2015 Dari Developer Lokal

Kumpulan Aplikasi Ramadhan Terbaik dan Terbaru 2015

1. Badr Interactive
5 Aplikasi Ramadhan Terbaik 2015 Dari Developer Lokal
Badr Interactive merupakan sebuah Developer yang memiliki markas utama di daerah Depok, Jawa Barat. Pihak Developer ini menciptakan 4 aplikasi terbaru khusus untuk bulan Ramadan tahun ini. Ketiga aplikasi dari Badr Interactive ini memang disediakan untuk platform Android dan satu aplikasi lagi dalam format web interactive.

Pertama adalah aplikasi Masjeed yang bisa menjadi direktori masjid terdekat dari lokasi para pengguna Android. Keistimewaan lain, para  pengguna dapat posting status, gambar, ataupun diskusi pada setiap akun masjid yang ada. Sebenarnya, Ide unik ini adalah untuk menghidupkan komunitas-komunitas yang berpusat dan bertumbuh dari masjid ke masjid. Aplikasi kedua adalah Dua in Quran yang merupakan aplikasi mencantumkan kumpulan doa-doa dari Al-Quran.

Ketiga adalah aplikasi Learn Quran yang menyuguhkan kemudahan bagi oara pengguna HP Android dalam memahami bacaan setiap ayat berdasarkan aturan tajwid yang benar.

Dan aplikasi ramadhan terbaik terakhir adalah aplikasi Quran Prize yang sengaja diciptakan khusus bagi para kalangan penghafal Al-Quran untuk menguji pemahaman terhadap ayat-ayat yang sudah dihafalkan. Wow, amazing kan?

2. Kodelokus Cipta Aplikasi
5 Aplikasi Ramadhan Terbaik 2015 Dari Developer Lokal
Kodelokus Cipta Aplikasi adalah Developer asal Bandung, Kodelokus Cipta Aplikasi sendiri memang bermarkas di Bandung. Dalam Ramadan 2015 kali ini, mereka menciptakan beberapa aplikasi-aplikasi ramadhan pilihan misalnya aplikasi Waktu Salat, Imsakiyah, Qibla yang menyajikan informasi waktu imsak, salat, dan arah kiblat untuk kegiatan sehari-hari. Dan sejauh ini, aplikasi yang mereka buat tersebut sudah menarik lebih dari 5 juta unduhan di Google PlayStore.

Bukan hanya itu saja, Ternyata Kodelokus sudah menggarap 11 aplikasi lainnya seperti Kamus Indonesia-Arab, Hijri Calendar, dan Nasihat-nasihat Islam.

3. GITS Indonesia
GITS Indonesia adalah sebuah Developer lainnya yang berasal Bandung, GITS Indonesia pada kali ini telah menciptakan aplikasi khusus Ramadan terbaru 2015. Aplikasi tersebut diantaranya adalah Alarm Adzan Sholat dan Kiblat yang bisa membantu mengingatkan para pengguna tentang jadwal salat disertai juga dengan alarm adzan. Dan tak heran pula, bila aplikasi ini sudah mendapatkan sekitar 5 juta unduhan di Google PlayStore.

4. Pusat Kajian Hadis
5 Aplikasi Ramadhan Terbaik 2015 Dari Developer Lokal
Pusat Kajian Hadis adalah sebuah lembaga yang telah berdiri sejak 2008 lalu ini memang fokus dalam pengembangan ilmu agama Islam secara keseluruhan. Lembaga keagamaan ini berlokasi di Jakarta dan sudah menelurkan aplikasi Al-Quran al-Hadi.

Aplikasi ini adalah sebuah Al-Quran digital yang dilengkapi dengan terjemahan serta kajian makna di balik setiap ayatnya. Para pengguna bisa menelusuri setiap surat dalam Al-Quran melalui fitur Search. Keistimewaan lainnya, terdapat pula pilihan untuk menelusuri sejarah Islam di dalam Al-Quran dengan sangat mudah. Dan untuk sejauh ini, aplikasi Al-Quran al-Hadi sudah mendapatkan sekitar 500.000 unduhan dari para pecinta Al-qur'an di Google Playstore.

Selain aplikasi al-Qur'an al-Hadi, GITS Indonesia sebelumnya sudah mempunyai banyak mitra dalam menciptakan aplikasi-aplikasi. Tetapi hanya ada sekitar 5 aplikasi yang mempunyai unsur Islami.

5. Educa Studio
Educa Studio merupakan Developer asal Salatiga, Jawa Tengah. Developer ini juga tidak ketinggalan untuk memberikan edukasi kepada anak-anak tentang kewajiban berpuasa di bulan Ramadan. Educa Studio telah meresmikan aplikasi Marbel Panduan Puasa yang bisa memudahkan setiap orang tua dalam mengenalkan makna bulan Ramadan dan kewajiban yang harus dilaksanakan pada bulan suci ini. Jadi bagi Anda yang kurang fasih dalam menjelaskan tentang Ramadhan, maka aplikasi ini solusinya.

Dijamin Buah hati Anda bakal merasa terhibur dengan aplikasi ini dikarenakan dilengkapi dengan animasi, warna, serta narasi yang sangat menyenangkan. Aplikasi ini pasti bisa membantu para orang tua untuk menanamkan makna menyenangkan dalam pelaksanaan ibadah puasa pada bulan Ramadan. Nah untuk sejauh ini, aplikasi Marbel Panduan Puasa telah mempunyai sekitar 50.000 unduhan di Google PlayStore.

Baca juga:
Demikianlah beberapa Aplikasi Ramadhan Terbaik 2015 yang dikembang oleh Developer Indonesia di Bulan Suci Ramadhan kali ini. Ohya, semua aplikasi-aplikasi di atas bisa Anda unduh secara gratis di Google Play Store. Semoga bermanfaat dan selamat menjalankan ibadah puasa.

Tag: aplikasi jadwal puasa ramadhan, aplikasi ramadhan terbaik, aplikasi jadwal ramadhan, aplikasi terbaik untuk ramadhan, aplikasi untuk bulan ramadhan, aplikasi android bulan ramdhan, game android untuk bulan puasa, aplikasi imsyakiyah bulan puasa 2015, aplikasi waktu adzan bulan puasa

(UPDATED+UNLIMITED TRICK) Mcent Giving Rs.75 per Refer For All Users + Unlimited Trick without Bluestack June 29 (Repost)

Mcent Unlimited Recharge Trick:
We are sharing Mcent Unlimited Recharge Trick for get Unlimited Free Recharge and Loot Mcent. 
Now you can Earn Unlimited Free MobileRecharge By Mcent App. Mcent Unlimited Recharge Trick is very popular and working 100% here. so let’s talk about Mcent Unlimited Recharge Trick. mcent app tricks are much popular these days, so i am sharing how to get money from recharge mobile app called. mcent which pays you for download apps for money or recharges.

mcent free recharge trick

Mcent is a free recharge app which gives free recharges for Downloading apps, and refer your friends, in this trick we will snoof mcent, in which this app will think that you are using new device and you will get refer money again and again in same mobile phone with android id changer app. so if you want free recharge then you just need more numbers, more numbers means more recharge, so enjoy mcent unlimited money trick with below steps, this trick working perfectly & we have tested this. you don’t need to use bluestack on pc, you can enjoy mcent unlimited recharge from your mobile phone. follow below easy steps for get unlimited recharge from mcent free recharge app.

What is Mcent?

Mcent is Most popular and highest paying free recharge app which pays you for complete offers, download apps, refer your friends.

Features Of This Mcent Unlimited Recharge Trick.

- 75Rs Per Refer For Old Users & 700Rs Per Refer For New Users
- No Need Of Bluestack ( Working Without Bluestack )


> First of all Install Mcent From HERE

> Now Open App, Create New Account (Recommended)

> After Create New Account complete any 1 Offers or Install 1 App from Mcent Offer Page (important step)

> Now Click On Share Button At Top Right

> Note Down You refer Link

> After That Uninstall Mcent App 

> Install Android Id Changer App From Here  – Android_Id_Changer (important step)

> Now Open Android Id Changer and Create New Random Id ( Root Needed )

> download Donkey Guard App From Play store

> open Donkey Guard App and change the values of play store 

> After That Open Your refer Link In Any Browser Like Chrome

> Just Install Mcent App From  refer Link

> Now Open Mcent app, complete any 1 Offers or Install 1 App from Mcent Offer Page

> Then Open Your mcent account, You will Get 75Rs In It.

>×Now Click On Topup and Redeem Your Recharge.

Enjoy Mcent Unlimited Free Recharge Trick ByCrazy4Android 


New Free Recharge App -Realscreen Rs.10 install bonus+Rs.10 per Refer & invite 6 friends and get Rs.100


Earntalktime Offer: Rs.130 per Refer (Very Limited Offer)

This Was Mcent Unlimited Recharge Trick for Get Unlimited Free Recharges, So keep visit Crazy4Android for more Mcent Free Recharge Tricks. and more offeres. Mcent is mobile recharge app for android which is one of the oldest app for earn recharges. free talktime apps download pays you for downloading apps, get recharge now from best recharge apps called name mcent.

New Free Recharge App -Realscreen Rs.10 install bonus+Rs.10 per Refer & invite 6 friends and get Rs.100


Earntalktime Offer: Rs.130 per Refer (Very Limited Offer)

Sunday, 28 June 2015

(UPDATED+UNLIMITED TRICK) Mcent Giving Rs.75 per Refer For Old Users & Rs.700 Per Refer For New Users + Unlimited Trick without Bluestack June 29

Mcent Unlimited Recharge Trick:
We are sharing Mcent Unlimited Recharge Trick for get Unlimited Free Recharge and Loot Mcent.
Now you can Earn Unlimited Free MobileRecharge By Mcent App. Mcent Unlimited Recharge Trick is very popular and working 100% here. so let’s talk about Mcent Unlimited Recharge Trick. mcent app tricks are much popular these days, so i am sharing how to get money from recharge mobile app called. mcent which pays you for download apps for money or recharges.

mcent free recharge trick

Mcent is a free recharge app which gives free recharges for Downloading apps, and refer your friends, in this trick we will snoof mcent, in which this app will think that you are using new device and you will get refer money again and again in same mobile phone with android id changer app. so if you want free recharge then you just need more numbers, more numbers means more recharge, so enjoy mcent unlimited money trick with below steps, this trick working perfectly & we have tested this. you don’t need to use bluestack on pc, you can enjoy mcent unlimited recharge from your mobile phone. follow below easy steps for get unlimited recharge from mcent free recharge app.

What is Mcent?

Mcent is Most popular and highest paying free recharge app which pays you for complete offers, download apps, refer your friends.

Features Of This Mcent Unlimited Recharge Trick.

- 75Rs Per Refer For Old Users & 700Rs Per Refer For New Users
- No Need Of Bluestack ( Working Without Bluestack )

Screenshot Proof Of Mcent Unlimited Recharge Trick


> First of all Install Mcent From  HERE 

> Now Open App, Create New Account (Recommended)

> After Create New Account complete any 1 Offers or Install 1 App from Mcent Offer Page (important step)

> Now Click On Share Button At Top Right

> Note Down You refer Link

> After That Uninstall Mcent App

> Install Android Id Changer App From Here  – Android_Id_Changer (important step)

> Now Open Android Id Changer and Create New Random Id ( Root Needed )

> After That Open Your refer Link In Any Browser Like Chrome

> Just Install Mcent App From  refer Link

> Now Open Mcent app, complete any 1 Offers or Install 1 App from Mcent Offer Page

> Then Open Your mcent account, You will Get 700Rs In It.

>×Now Click On Topup and Redeem Your Recharge.

Enjoy Mcent Unlimited Free Recharge Trick By Crazy4Android


New Free Recharge App -Realscreen Rs.10 install bonus+Rs.10 per Refer & invite 6 friends and get Rs.100


Earntalktime Offer: Rs.130 per Refer (Very Limited Offer)

This Was Mcent Unlimited Recharge Trick for Get Unlimited Free Recharges, So keep visit Crazy4Android for more Mcent Free Recharge Tricks. and more offeres. Mcent is mobile recharge app for android which is one of the oldest app for earn recharges. free talktime apps download pays you for downloading apps, get recharge now from best recharge apps called name mcent.

New Free Recharge App -Realscreen Rs.10 install bonus+Rs.10 per Refer & invite 6 friends and get Rs.100


Earntalktime Offer: Rs.130 per Refer (Very Limited Offer)

(UPDATED) MX Player Pro v1.7.41.nightly.20150626 Patched (AC3 And DTS Support By Default)

MX Player – The best way to enjoy your movies.

a) HARDWARE ACCELERATION – Hardware acceleration can be applied to more videos with the help of new H/W decoder.
b) MULTI-CORE DECODING – MX Player is the first Android video player which supports multi-core decoding. Test result proved that dual-core device’s performance is up to 70% better than single-core devices.
c) PINCH TO ZOOM, ZOOM AND PAN – Easily zoom in and out by pinching and swiping across the screen. Zoom and Pan is also available by option.
d) SUBTITLE GESTURES – Scroll forward/backward to move to next/previous text, Up/down to move text up and down, Zoom in/out to change text size.
e) KIDS LOCK – Keep your kids entertained without having to worry that they can make calls or touch other apps. (plugin required)

Subtitle formats:
– DVD, DVB, SSA/*** Subtitle tracks.
– SubStation Alpha(.ssa/.***) with full styling.
– SAMI(.smi) with ruby tag support.
– SubRip(.srt)
– MicroDVD(.sub)
– VobSub(.sub/.idx)
– SubViewer2.0(.sub)
– MPL2(.mpl)
– PowerDivX(.psb)
– TMPlayer(.txt)
– Teletext
– PJS(.pjs)
– WebVTT(.vtt)

What’s New
Fixed subtitle download error while playing network media.
Added Malayalam translation.

This app has NO advertisements

Patched version, no Lucky Patcher or Google Play MOD needed!
Please remove all previous version and codec at first!!!

* Make a backup of your current version’s data/setting (if necessary)
** Restore your backup data/setting (if necessary)
credits OsitKP

Integrated AC3 And DTS support by default in this release! No need to separately install the additional codec pack for AC3 And DTS support!




Modern Combat 4: Zero Hour APK+OBB 3 MB Highly compressed Mod and Unmod Free Download

Modern Combat 4: Zero Hour APK+OBB 3 MB Highly compressed Mod and Unmod Download: 

Modern Combat 4: Zero Hour APK+OBB 3 MB Highly compressed Mod and Unmod

The #1 Action FPS game is back on smartphone with a new chapter to push the boundaries of mobile gaming even further. In the wake of nuclear warfare, the only chance to avoid global devastation is in the hands of the few elite soldiers who must track down and rescue the world�s leaders from a frighteningly familiar terrorist group.

DIVE INTO THE MOST MEMORABLE ACTION SHOOTER EVERFeel the story�s dramatic intensity and see both sides of the story by also playing the villain, Edward Page.Dominate the battlefield with a new tactical movement system!Wage war all over the world from Antarctica to Barcelona!
EXPERIENCE CONSOLE QUALITY GRAPHICS AND SOUND Feel the chaos of the battlefield with console-like graphics, lifelike animations and dynamic objects.The first Gameloft title powered by the Havok Engine for amazing ragdoll effects and the most realistic feeling vehicles ever.Improved sound & voice acting performed by a renowned studio in the movie industry.
ENJOY A FULLY REDESIGNED MULTIPLAYER MODEForge your own gameplay profile online with an improved loadout system & over 20,000 weapon arrangements!A new specialization system with redesigned skills.Lead your character to the top of the online leaderboards with a new ranking system!For all fans of actions games, FPS (First-Person Shooters), war games, multiplayer & online games, and for all players who want to dominate the battlefield!
What's Newv 3 new maps, from Barcelona to Antarcticav New "Demolition" specialization with 7 new perks including "Dedication" (dying from explosions won't reset your streak) and "One Last Thing" (drop a grenade whenever you die)v 2 new weapons: Special Forces Sniper Rifle & Grenade Launcher Pistolv 2 new team multiplayer modes: Bomb Squad & Destructionv Many other improvements:


Modern Combat 4: Zero Hour - screenshot thumbnail



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Dead Trigger 2 APK+OBB 16 MB Highly compressed Free Download

Dead Trigger 2 APK+OBB 16 MB Highly compressed Free Download: 

Dead Trigger 2 APK+OBB 16 MB Highly compressed

Dead Trigger 2 APK+OBB 16 MB Highly compressed Free Download: Take your part on saving the world and win unbelievable real prizes in specially designed tournaments. Earn the money every day from oil fields!

40+ Millions survivors from all over the world are now part of Global Zombie Warfare!
Join them and begin the mega fight for your life.

"Hours of fun in marathon sessions or short bursts." - Gamezebo
"The gap between mobile and console gaming is shrinking substantially." - 148apps
"The game is improving upon everything that made the first title great." - Arcade Sushi

Download Dead Trigger 2 for FREE and enter a dark world where humanity is engaged in the ultimate battle for survival in the face of a global Zombie apocalypse.

Dead Trigger 2 is constantly evolving and expanding. Every update features new content 
intended to make your game even more enjoyable.

- Travel across 10 regions in different parts of the world.
- Explore 33 unique environments.
- Grab your favorite Zombie annihilator from 37 kinds of weapons.

Android Version: 4.0+



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Android Version: 4.0+
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Saturday, 27 June 2015

Shuttle+ Music Player v1.5.3-beta9 Apk Free Download

Shuttle+ Music Player is a simple, lightweight and powerful music player for Android. Featuring a built-in equalizer, lyrics, folder browsing, sleep timer, gapless playback, artwork downloading and a clean, fresh Google Now style interface, Shuttle is the music player of choice for your Android device.

Shuttle+ includes folder browsing, tag editing, Chromecast support and additional themes not available in the free version.
**Note: Due to changes in Kitkat, tag editing is no longer possible for files stored on the SD card on Android 4.4+**
Follow me on Google+ to keep up to date with the latest changes, and for beta testing opportunities.

Features include:

– Folder browsing
– Folder whitelist
– Playlists, batch add, swipe to remove, drag ‘n drop
– Blacklist individual songs
– Enqueue songs to play next
– Sleep timer
– Chromecast support
– Lockscreen controls (ICS+)
– Notification controls (Honeycomb+)
– Jelly Bean notification controls
– Kitkat lockscreen controls
– Gapless playback (Jelly Bean+)
– Optimised layout for phones and tablets
– Highly customizable widgets
– Headset button controls
– Album artist artwork downloading 
– Optional ‘Google Now’ style cards UI
– Gesture support (swipe to change track, swipe to remove from playlist, drag n drop playlist items etc.)
– Loads of holo style dark and light themes
– Tag editing (no longer available for files stored on the SD card on Android 4.4 (Kitkat)
– Scrobbling via Simple Last.FM Scrobbler
– Lyrics search via MusiXmatch embedded lyrics
– Voice search Google Now voice command support
– 6 band equalizer with bass boost DSP manager support
– Fresh, modern relevant Holo style cards UI throughout the app

Upcoming features:
– Car mode
– Compilation album sorting (sort by album-artist)

This app has no advertisements




(UPDATE* June 27) Earntalktime Now Giving Rs.130 per Refer (Very Limited Offer)

Friday, 26 June 2015

(UPDATE* 26 JUNE) Facebook Lite v1. Apk By Facebook (414KB Only)

This version of Facebook is efficient with data and works in all network conditions.

Facebook Lite:
> Required Android 2.2 or Up
> Installs quickly — the app is Just 435 KB ONLY
> Works on all Android phones
> Uses less data
> Is designed for 2G networks and areas with slow or unstable connections

Keeping up with friends is faster than ever With Facebook Lite

About Facebook Lite:
> Message friends and have group conversations
> Get notifications when friends like and comment on your posts
> See what friends are up to
> Share updates and photos

What’s New
> Improved Stability And Speed



New Free Recharge App - Realscreen Rs.10 install bonus+Rs.10 per Refer & invite 6 friends and get Rs.100


Earntalktime Offer: Rs.130 per Refer (Very Limited Offer)

Wednesday, 24 June 2015

Clash Of Clans Modded Apk (Unlimited Elixir Gold And Gems)


Free Download Clash of Clans Mod APK Unlimited Gold Gems Dark Elixir Updated Fixed Version Android Modded Game apk for android mobile phone and tablet from Crazy4Android.

Clash of clans is a strategic game, developed by SuperCell, allows you to create troops for battles, create artistic defence mechanism to protect your clan. With newer version Clan wars improvement added, which allows you to update recycle troops not lost in battle. If any unit not lost in battle will return back to base to heal. Build your own village in Clash of Clans, train different troop units and prepare for battle with players all around the world ready to battle against you. This game is so popular that you will find millions of users online to battle with.

Clash of clans allows to create your own clan or you can join others clan. By joining clan you will get helping troops from clan friends. Clan can also start a war, which is 3 step process. First step is to prepare for battle, second is attack on enimy clan villages and last is war result where you will receive war award. Protect you village with different stretegic defense system elements like cannons, Defense Towers, Mortars, Walls, Traps and Bombs.

Features of Clash of Clans Mod APK Unlimited Gold Gems Dark Elixir Updated Fixed Version:

Build your own Undefeatable fortress
Fight with players from all around the world
Join together with other players to form the ultimate Clan
Fight against rival Clans in the epic Clan Wars
15 unique units with multiple levels of upgrades
Defend your village with Cannons, Towers, Mortars, Bombs, Traps and Walls.
Fight against the Goblin King in an epic campaign through the realm




Tuesday, 23 June 2015

Nova Launcher Prime v4.0.2 Beta Patched APK (No Prime Key Needed)

Overview: The highly customizable, performance driven, home screen
Accept no substitutes! Nova Launcher is the top launcher for modern Android, embracing full Material Design throughout.
Nova Launcher replaces your home screen with one you control and can customize. Change icons, layouts, animations and more.

For my money, Nova Launcher is the best of the AOSP-style launchers available in Android. —Android Police
Nova Launcher has some very capable hands behind itPhandroid
Our favorite is Nova Launcher, which strikes a great perfect balance between incredible performance and high customizability without getting too gimmicky and difficult to use —Lifehacker
Chock full of features you won’t find in the stock launcher, and comes highly recommended —Android Central

• Icon Themes – Find thousands of icon themes for Nova Launcher on the Play Store
• Subgrid positioning – Much greater control than standard launchers, Nova Launcher allows you to snap icons or widgets half way through the desktop grid cells
• Color controls – for labels, folders, unread badges, drawer tabs and backgrounds
• Customize App Drawer – Custom tabs, Vertical or Horizontal scrolling, Custom effects
• Improved Widget Drawer – Widgets grouped by app makes it much faster to use
• Infinite scroll – Never far from your favorite page, loop through the desktop or drawer continuously
• Backup/Restore – Sophisticated backup/restore system allowing you to backup your desktop layout and launcher settings
• Scrollable Dock – Create multiple docks and scroll between them
• Widgets in dock – Place any widget in your dock, such as a 4×1 music player widget
• Import Layout – No need to rebuild your desktop from scratch, Nova Launcher can import from most popular launchers. Including the one that came with your phone.
• Fast – Nova Launcher is highly optimized to do it’s work quickly and quietly, keeping the animations smooth and letting you use your phone as fast as you can move your fingers.

Nova Launcher Prime
Unlock the following extras by purchasing Nova Launcher Prime
• Gestures – Swipe, pinch, double tap and more on the home screen to open your favorite apps
• Unread Counts – Never miss a message. Unread count badges for Hangouts, SMS, Gmail and more using the TeslaUnread plugin
• Custom Drawer Groups – Create new tabs or folders in the app drawer
• Hide Apps – Keep a clean app drawer by hiding never used apps
• Icon Swipes – Set custom actions for swiping on app shortcuts or folders
• More scroll effects – Such as Wipe, Accordion, and Throw

What’s New
4.0.2beta1 BETA
Add multiple apps to the desktop at once (Long-press empty space Widgets Apps or folder)
Fix unable to open “Messaging” app on LG G4
Support adding “Direct dial” shortcuts on SGS6
Fixes and optimizations

1. Uninstall previous version of Nova Launcher and Tesla Unread plugin
2. Install Nova Launcher and the Tesla Unread plugin from my package (not from Google Play).
3. Enjoy!
This version fixed compatibility issues with TeslaUnread and WidgetLocker Lockscreen

This is patched version, fully unlocked prime funstions. No prime key is required.
If your ROM came with Nova Launcher you’ll have to remove it before installing this.

This app has no advertisements






Saturday, 20 June 2015

L Launcher Pro v2.0 Patched APK (No Need Of Pro Key)

L Launcher, is the most polished, highly customizable Lollipop style launcher; Smooth, Cool, Rich features, NO AD; Bring you the latest and the best Android 5.0 Lollipop experience!

1. Based on Android 5.0 launcher, support for Android 4.0+ devices
2. Support swipe right to Google Now; Enable OK Google from all L Launcher screens (require Android 4.4); 
2. Support icon theme, compatible with most icon pack (same as Nova launcher,solo launcher,go launcher,apex launcher,etc)
3. Translucent status bar and navigation bar (Android4.4 + devices, and Galaxy S4, S5, Galaxy Note2/3, Tab2/3 ,etc )
4. Transparent status bar clone for Android 4.0-4.3
19. Handy Sidebar, and can drag-out Sidebar anywhere
5. Drawer features: Hide app, Create folders, Sort app, Quick A-Z bar
6. Drawer style: Horizontal, Vertical, Vertical with category
7. Many Desktop and Drawer transition effect
8. Many gestures and Dock icon gesture
9. Unread Counts/Notifier
11. UI Size Mode: Small, Medium, Large, Extra large
12. Live wallpapers: parallax effect, blur, multi-wallpaper
17. Backup and restore launcher setting and layout
18. Import layout from other launcher
20. Highly customizable, MANY options:
[Launcher Desktop :]
+ Set launcher desktop grid
+ Set icon size, icon text size/color, hide icon text
+ Lock desktop option
+ Hide search bar, status bar
+ Hide shadow, indicator
+ Infinite scrolling
+ Set launcher default Home Screen to Left, Middle or Right
+ Wallpaper scrolling
+ Theme support: such as Galaxy, iOS 8, Win 8 icon pack
[Launcher Dock :]
+ Multi Dock pages
+ Number of Dock icons
+ Dock icon size
+ Hide Dock
+ Drawer icon position
[Launcher Drawer :]
+ Set launcher drawer grid
+ Drawer folder
+ Set icon size, icon text size/color
+ Background transparent
[Launcher Sidebar:]
+ Launch from everywhere
+ Quick toggle
+ Favorite apps, Recent apps
+ KK Clearner
[Launcher Folder :]
+ Max rows and columns
+ Folder background
+ Folder preview style
+ Bulk add for folder
Lollipop launcher, Android 5.0 Launcher,
Google Now Launcher
Permissions explaination: 
Please refer to L Setting — Help
Email: [email protected]
If you like L Launcher (Lollipop Launcher), please help to spread L Launcher, and press g+1 to support L Launcher development, thanks


v2.0 update(2015-6-19):
1. Update the “Vertical with category” Drawer style to Android M style
2. Optimize the speed of App Picks
v1.99 update(2015-6-2):
1. Fix one crash related to GameBoost folder
2. Fix Dialer on Dock don’t work in XiaoMi devices
v1.98 update(2015-5-29):
1. Add GameBoost folder
2. Optimize App Store
v1.97 update(2015-5-22):
1. Optimize UI/UE detail
2. Fix may crash in Lenovo phones

This app has no advertisements & All Pro Features Are Unlocked





Friday, 19 June 2015

Subway Surfers Venice v1.40.0 MOD Apk (Unlimited Keys+Coins)

Subway Surfers – Game of the genre runner for android. happy and cheerful boy named Jake painted dullness railway in bright and vibrant colors, creating a masterpiece of street sketches. However, this is not evaluated by police. And the hero has the lam that there are forces of a police chase and his dog. The road is not easy, because have to jump through the track and the train, bend around obstacles left and right, as well as to slide along the power lines of moving trains

Features of this Subway Surfers:

★ Grind trains with your cool crew!
★ Colorful and vivid HD graphics!
★ Hoverboard Surfing!
★ Paint powered jetpack!
★ Lightning fast swipe acrobatics!
★ Challenge and help your friends!

Changes in this version Subway Surfers:

★ Join the Subway Surfers World Tour in beautiful Italy
★ Cruise the canals of enchanting Venice with Marco, the charming boat boy
★ Spice up your weekends by reaching for new Wordy Weekend Awards
★ Boost your collection with the Gondola board and a new spectacular Outfit
★ Win great prizes in the Weekly Hunts by collecting colorful carnival masks



Z Launcher Beta v1.2 3 Apk

Throughout the day, Nokia Z Launcher is learning how you use your phone and promoting your favorite apps so you can get to them faster. The more you use it, the better it gets.

*Scribble – Scribble a letter to find what you want
*Launch – Apps, contacts, or websites
*Adapt – It learns to promote the right stuff at the right time

“Nokia just made the smartest Android launcher around” – Slashgear
“Wonderfully simple and shockingly innovative” – BGR
“A predictive Android launcher, that actually looks great.” – Venturebeat
“Simple. Effective. Interesting. And Nokia.” – Phandroid

Thank you for trying out Z Launcher Beta and providing your very helpful feedback.

Since our original 1.0.0-Beta release on Nov 18, we have made lots of improvements based on your feedback. Our latest update, version 1.0.6-Beta continues this trend with more performance enhancements and minor bug fixes. Please be sure to visit our FEEDBACK forum at http://www.zlauncher.com and vote on new features you would like to see in 2015!


Bug Fixes

This app has no advertisements




Thursday, 18 June 2015

Candy Crush Saga v1.55.1.0 Mega Mod Apk

Candy Crush Saga, from the makers of Pet Rescue Saga Farm Heroes Saga!
Join Tiffi and Mr. Toffee in their sweet adventure through the Candy Kingdom. Pass level 50 to unlock Dreamworld and escape reality alongside an owl named Odus. Switch and match your way through hundreds of levels in this delicious puzzle adventure. Isn’t it the sweetest game ever? 
Candy Crush Saga is completely free to play but some in-game items such as extra moves or lives will require payment.
By downloading this game you are agreeing to our terms of service; http://about.king.com/consumer-terms/terms 

Candy Crush Saga features:
● Tasty candy graphics that will leave you hungry for more
● Unwrap delicious environments and meet the sweetest characters
● Helpful magical boosters to help with challenging levels 
● Complete adventurous levels and unlock treats
● Easy and fun to play, challenging to master 
● Hundreds of sweet levels in the Candy Kingdom – more added every 2 weeks!
● Leaderboards to watch your friends and competitors!
● Easily sync the game between devices and unlock full game features when connected to the Internet

What’s New
Candy Crush Saga has a new update so you can now continue the sweetness and delight with 15 NEW LEVELS in Soda Swamp, our latest episode!
• Switch and match your way up to level 980 in the game, and if you’re a new player come join the fun!
• Extra challenge: Earn more stars than your friends and become the Episode Champion!
• Download the latest version to the new content.

What's Modded
01. Normal moves.
02. Unlimited lives
03. Unlock dreamworld
04. Unlock dreamworld episodes
05. Owl never Dies.
06. Moonstruck active to end of level.
09. Brush booster available (1 time/level)
10. Always win.
11. Score Multiplier.
12. Auto complete Jelly.




Wednesday, 17 June 2015

MX Player Pro v1.7.40.nightly.20150616 Patched+Fixed & AC3 Support By Default


MX Player – The best way to enjoy your movies.

a) HARDWARE ACCELERATION – Hardware acceleration can be applied to more videos with the help of new H/W decoder.
b) MULTI-CORE DECODING – MX Player is the first Android video player which supports multi-core decoding. Test result proved that dual-core device’s performance is up to 70% better than single-core devices.
c) PINCH TO ZOOM, ZOOM AND PAN – Easily zoom in and out by pinching and swiping across the screen. Zoom and Pan is also available by option.
d) SUBTITLE GESTURES – Scroll forward/backward to move to next/previous text, Up/down to move text up and down, Zoom in/out to change text size.
e) KIDS LOCK – Keep your kids entertained without having to worry that they can make calls or touch other apps. (plugin required)

Subtitle formats:
– DVD, DVB, SSA/ASS Subtitle tracks.
– SubStation Alpha(.ssa/.ass) with full styling.
– SAMI(.smi) with ruby tag support.
– SubRip(.srt)
– MicroDVD(.sub)
– VobSub(.sub/.idx)
– SubViewer2.0(.sub)
– MPL2(.mpl)
– PowerDivX(.psb)
– TMPlayer(.txt)
– Teletext
– PJS(.pjs)
– WebVTT(.vtt)

What’s New
Fixed subtitle download error while playing network media.

This app has NO advertisements

Patched version, no Lucky Patcher or Google Play MOD needed!
Please remove all previous version and codec at first!!!
* Make a backup of your current version’s data/setting (if necessary)
** Restore your backup data/setting (if necessary)
credits OsitKP





2 Aplikasi Untuk Membuat Logo Di Android Terpopuler

Aplikasi Membuat Logo di Android - Pada era globalisasi ini, siapa sih yang tidak mengenal logo? Hampir semua orang sudah mengetahui logo beserta fungsinya. Tetapi bagi anda yang tidak mengetahui apa itu logo, berikut ini akan kami jelaskan secara rinci.
Logo adalah sebuah tanda pengenal yang cukup penting, logo diciptakan untuk menonjolkan ciri khas tersendiri ketika anda menjalankan mapun mendirikan bisnis, komunitas, dan lainnya.

Banyak orang yang memakai logo atau brands dari desain yang simpel tetapi masih tampak profesional. Nah, bila kebetulan anda yang tidak dapat membuat logo sendiri, maka anda tidak perlu khawatir, karena saat ini banyak sekali aplikasi pembuat logo yang bisa anda gunakan walaupun anda masih seorang pemula sekalipun.
2 Aplikasi Untuk Membuat Logo Di Android Terpopuler
Pada umumnya membuat logo melalui PC atau laptop, namun saat ini para developer software khususnya untuk android sudah menciptakan aplikasi membuat logo android yang bisa memudahkan anda untuk membuat logo sesuai selera.

Kali ini ELBAIHAKI BLOG ingin merefrensikan kepada Anda aplikasi android untuk membuat logo yang dapat anda gunakan.

Baca juga:

Kumpulan Aplikasi Membuat Logo Di Android Terbaik dan Terpoluer

1. Infinite Design Free
Aplikasi pembuat logo di android pertama adalah Infinite Design Free. Aplikasi yang satu ini memang sengaja dibuat khusus untuk memudahkan pemakainya untuk membuat logo dan dapat digunakan secara gratis.

Meski tampak sederhana dan simpel,  ternyata aplikasi  ini bisa merancang, menggambar, mengedit, bahkan mengimport desain logo file sesuai keinginan anda lho.

Keunggulan lain dari Infinite Design yaitu hasil edit logonya bisa disimpan langsung dengan file ekstensi .JPG maupun .PNG, menakjubkan! Bagi anda yang mempunyai profesi sebagai grafik designer atau hendak mempelajari cara membuat desain logo, cobalah menggunakan aplikasi ini.

2. Logo Creator & Graphics Maker
Aplikasi pembuat logo selanjutnya adalah aplikasi berbayar android untuk membuat logo. Aplikasi Logo Creator sangat cocok bagi Anda yang memang sudah benar-benar profesional, karena biasanya Seorang graphic designer prosefisonal pasti sering kebanjiran project untuk mengerjakan pesanan client.

Semua aplikasi diatas dapat langsung Anda temukan di Google Play Store. Silakan Anda masuk ke Google Play Store di HP Android kesayangan Anda. Kemudian cari sesuai dengan nama aplikasi di atas. Bila sudah ditemukan, silakan install (unduh) lalu dipasang dan tunggu hingga proses selesai.

Nah, demikianlan beberapa Aplikasi android untuk membuat logo terbaik yang bisa anda pilih sesuai kebutuhan dan selera. Semoga informasi yang kami berikan ini bisa membantu pekerjaan anda. Selamat bekerja ya!

Tag: aplikasi untuk membuat animasi di android, aplikasi untuk membuat logo di iphone, aplikasi untuk membuat logo di pc, aplikasi untuk membuat animasi di laptop, aplikasi untuk membuat video di instagram, software untuk membuat aplikasi android, cara membuat aplikasi untuk android, aplikasi untuk membuat logo online

Tuesday, 16 June 2015

Kumpulan Antivirus Android Terbaik Dan Gratis

Antivirus Android Terbaik - Selama ini kita mengahetahui bahwa PC dan laptop yang rentan terserang virus. Namun Anda perlu mengetahui juga bahwa smartphone android Anda pun sangat rentan terinfeksi oleh serangan virus. Hal ini terjadi disebabkan ada banyaknya aplikasi android palsu dan maleware baik secara sengaja ataupun tidak sengaja telah terpasang (terinstall) di HP Android Anda.

Bukan hanya itu saja lho, bagi HP android yang kurang lebih 24 jam selalu tekoneksi ke internet tentunya Anda wajib berhati-hati, entah ketika kita dalam browsing, chatting, transfer file via bluethoot, tathering ke PC apalagi download file di internet, dst. Pasalnya di internet banyak sekali bertebaran virus-virus nakal yang dapat membahayakan HP android kita.
Kumpulan Antivirus Android Terbaik Dan Gratis
Oleh sebab itu, pada jaman serba mobile ini sudah banyak sekali perusahaan perangkat lunak yang telah mengembangkan antivirus untuk HP Android. Nah, apa saja sih antivirus terbaik untuk Android yang dapat Anda install di smartphone Androidmu?

Baca juga:

Berikut Kumpulan Antivirus Android Terbaik dan Gratis

1. Avast Mobile Security
Selain terkenal untuk perlindungan PC/kmputer, Avast ternyata mengembangkan sebua Antivirus terbaik untuk android. Dalam platform Android, Avast sampai detik ini juga cukup handal dalam membasmi virus-virus atau malware nakal.

Antivirus yang satu ini menyuguhkan segudang kelebihan dibanding dengan antivirus mobile lainnya, diantarnya seperti fitur antimaling (anti theft), Tracking GPS, Alarm, SMS history, otomstis mengunci ponsel, dan seterusnya. Avast Mobile Security juga dilengkapi dengan fitur url protection dan firewal.

2. Kaspersky Mobile Security
Kaspersky Mobile Security telah memakai teknologi canggih dalam mengamankan platform android. fitur yang disuguhkan dalam antivirus android ini lumayan lengkap, misalnya anti spam, call blockerg, perlindungan dari malware, spyware dan lain sebagainya.

Kaspersky Mobile Security tersedia dalam versi berbayar dan juga ada versi gratisnya. Bagi Anda yang berminat silahkan langsung donwload sekarang juga di Play Store Google.

3. Avira Antivirus Security
Kehandalan Avira dalam melindungi sebuah sistem kompiuter sudah tidak perlu diragukan lagi. Pasanya Antivirus Official telah mencatat nilai sempurna 100% perlindungan untuk Android tanpa ada kesalahan deteksi virus satupun.

Desain keren, responsive, minimalis, dan performa perlindungan yang handal menjadikan Avira Mobil Security memang pantas Anda percaya untuk melindungi HP Android dari ancaman program jahat maupun virus-virus jahat.

4. Norton Mobile Security Lite
Norton Mobile Security Lite merupakan salah satu antivirus untuk android terbaik yang dapat menjadi pilahan utama anda untuk mengamankan HP android anda dari serangan berbagai virus maupun malware.

Fitur yang di tawarkan oleh norton mobile security lite lumayan lengkap seperti anti-theft, melakukan scan dan menghapus aplikasi yang mengandung virus dan malware. Namun norton hanya memberikan free trial selama 30 hari untuk semua fitur premiumnya.

5. 360 Mobile Security
360 Mobile Security telah menjadi antivirus terbaik pada tahun 2013an yang lalu dengan skor perlindungan mencapai hingga 99.9%. Nilai tersebut adalah nilai paling tinggi dari sekian banyak antivirus yang diujikan pada saat itu.

Ukuran antivirus gratis untuk android yang satu ini, 360 Mobile Security bisa menjadi pilihan yang cocok untuk melindungi sistem Android Anda.

Demikianlah Antivirus Terbaik untuk Android yang dapat kami informasikan kepada Anda. Jangan menyepelekan hal-hal yang sifatnya kecil, termasuk virus yang ada di ponsel pintar Android Anda. Pastinya Anda tidak mau kan bila smartphone android kesayangan anda disarangi ataupun dihuni oleh virus-virus nakal? Maka dari itu, gunakanlah salah satu pplikasi antivirus android paling ampuh untuk perlindungan di atas.

Tag: download antivirus untuk android, antivirus terbaik untuk android, antivirus untuk android jelly bean, antivirus untuk android yang sudah di root, perlukah antivirus untuk android, android antivirus, download antivirus untuk android gratis, download antivirus untuk android apk

Monday, 15 June 2015

(PSP) Crash Of The Titans Full Game Highly Compressed (PPSSPP) 482MB


Original Size - 779 MB
Compressed size - 482 MB

NOTE - You Need PPSSPP To Play This Game



Saturday, 13 June 2015

(UPDATED*) Poweramp Music Player (Full) v2.0.10-build-580 APK

Version: 2.0.10-build-580
Size: 6.0 MB
Required: Android 2.1 and up

Key Features:
– plays mp3, mp4/m4a (incl. alac), ogg, wma*, flac, wav, ape, wv, tta, mpc, aiff (* some wma pro files may require NEON support)
– 10 band optimized graphical equalizer for all supported formats, presets, custom presets
– separate powerful Bass and Treble adjustment
– stereo eXpansion, mono mixing, balance
– crossfade
– gapless
– replay gain
– plays songs from folders and from own library
– dynamic queue
– lyrics support, including lyrics search via musiXmatch plugin
– embed and standalone .cue files support
– support for m3u, m3u8, pls, wpl playlists
– OpenGL based cover art animation
– downloads missing album art
– 4 widget types with many selectable styles, advanced customization; Android 4.2 lock screen widgets
– configurable lock screen
– headset support, automatic Resume on headset and/or BT connection (can be disabled in settings)
– scrobbling
– tag editor
– visual themes, including support for external/3rd party skins
– fast library scan
– high level of customization via settings

What’s New
– even more improved track state saving during bluetooth connection
– MusicFX is disabled by default now for Sony @ Lollipop (as it’s broken there)
– better 3rd party skin failures handling
– few other minor fixes.

– Install “Poweramp Apk” .
- Install "Poweramp Unlocker Apk"
- Run the Poweramp Music Player and let it scans all your audio files then exit.
– Install/Run Lucky , find the app , long press on it and select custom patch.
- In the list of custom patches select “patch_ren.by.ramzezzz_com.maxmpz.audioplayer” .
- Wait until the patching process done and launch the app.
- Enjoy the full version!